M. Rifqi Naufal

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I'm an undergraduate (6th semester) Geographic Information Science student from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia with current grade 3.75.
I have great passion in the fields of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Web Development, Regional Mapping Surveys, and Cartography. I have some professional experience in Geospatial & Data field like become Instructor and work as an intern in Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency Currently upskilling in GIS, Web Development, and Cartography. Constant looking for a collaboration for a better learning experience. Become GIS Analyst, GIS Developer, and Web Developer is my Dream!

  • Birth: 2002
  • Motto: Be the BEST version of yourself!
  • Hobby: Playing music, Learn languange, coding
  • Age: 21
  • Tel: +6281911075017
  • Email: rifqinaufalfayyadh@gmail.com
  • City: Bandung City, West Java
  • Freelance: Available


Here are my skill:

Softskills Hardskills Software
Planning and organizing
Geographic Information System
Microsoft office
Public speaking
Digital Image Processing
Arcmap, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS
Web Development
Visual Studio Code (HTML, CSS, Js)
Team work
Data Analyst
Google Earth Engine
Data visualization
Global Mapper
Digital image processing
WebGIS Development
Panoply & Grads



M. Rifqi Naufal A

6th semester students in Geographic Information Science Study Program, UPI with specialization in remote sensing and GIS. Have made 500+ maps and analyzed them relating to various issues such as urban and regional planning, disasters, social issues, mangroves, and others. Have a passion in GIS, remote sensing, Website Development, WebGIS, and drone mapping.


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

2020 - Present

S1 - Geographic Information Science

Active in the Geographic Information Science Student Association and the IMAGIS community whose concentration is in the field of GIS. Participating in external activities at MAPIN (Indonesian Remote Sensing Expert Society) student section and GDSC (Google Developer Student Community)

MBUS Program from MBKM

Sep 2022 - Jul 2023

BINUS University

Feb 2023 - Jul 2023

Basic Front-End Web Programming

- Explain the concepts of bootstrap, react and react-native to develop web applications
- Apply techniques to develop web interfaces
- Analyze the proper techniques for building mobile interface applications

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Sep 2022 - Des 2022

Geographic Information System

Introduction and general understanding of GIS, GIS basic concept, GIS components and sub-systems, The object of study and the process of handling GIS data, Spatial data (GIS data), Spatial data models and structures, Building a spatial database, GIS analysis concept, Common analysis functions in GIS Benefits, applications, and future developments of GIS

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Sep 2022 - Des 2022

Geospatial Information Technology

Geospatial Technology / Introduction to Geospatial Information Technology (TIG) and Megatrends in the world of IT, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) & Positioning, Earth Observations scanning, Geographic Information System (GIS) / Spatial Analytics, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), Geospatial Information Technology Project

Universitas Andalas

Sep 2022 - Des 2022

Algortihm and Programming

Building algorithms, Understand what are the advantages of using programming languages, Write programs with the Python Programming Language, Make programs in the structure of Selection, Repetition, Functions, Modules, Class, Method and Packages, Create structured data lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, understand the use of Nump, Make plots using matpotLib, Using graphics, Animation and simulation modes and create program animations related to physics using matplotlib

Man 2 Kota Bogor

Jul 2017 - May 2020

Science Major

Professional Experience

RDTR Drafter

Feb 2023 - Jun 2023

Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency

  • Improvement of technical materials by adjusting Ministerial Regulation ATR/BPN No. 11 of 2021.
  • Evaluate base maps, thematic maps, and plan maps by its component completeness and symbology.
  • Topology error checking based on several distortion (overlap, gap, invalid geometris) on shapefiles.
  • Drone & Survey Mapping to validate information.

Head Comittee of Bootcamp Coding Program

Sept 2022 – Dec 2022

Intelligence Magnificent of GIS Students Community (IMAGIS)

  • Successfully created the module about fundamental of Web and WebGIS.
  • Task and jobdesc management for team.
  • Arrange event by online meeting and offline meeting.
  • IMAGIS WebGIS output.

Instructor for WebGIS Development using Leaflet at Bootcamp Coding

Dec 2022

Intelligence Magnificent of GIS Students Community (IMAGIS)

  • Fundamental of WebGIS.
  • Displaying Basemap and Map Components at WebGIS.
  • Inputing Geospatial data to WebGIS.

Insturctor for GIS Basic Training using QGIS for Educational Staff

Oct 2022

Intelligence Magnificent of GIS Students Community (IMAGIS)

  • Successfully created the module "Basic Geographic Information System using QGIS".
  • QGIS introduction and training event.
  • Perform Data Inputting, Geoprocessing, Data Visualization, and Layouting

Instructor for Web Development Training using HTML and CSS at Bootcamp Coding

Oct 2022

Intelligence Magnificent of GIS Students Community (IMAGIS)

  • Introducing to Fundamental of Web Coding.
  • Basic HTML and CSS.
  • Simple web design using HTML and CSS.

Instructor for GIS Basic Training Tutor for Educational Administration Students GIS Community

Apr 2022

Intelligence Magnificent of GIS Students Community (IMAGIS)

  • GIS basic training tutor such as georeferencing, digitizing, editing attribute table, and symbology.
  • GIS spatial analyst and modeling training for suitability of school development.

Instructor for GIS SKKNI Level 4 Training for SaIG Expo

Dec 2021

Intelligence Magnificent of GIS Students Community (IMAGIS)

  • Introducing Basic GIS and perform Georeference, Digitize, Attribute, Geoprocessing, and Map Layouting.
  • Make Suitability Map for Education Purpose.

Volunteer Tasikmalaya No Poverty & Team Member Arahin Project

Jun 2021 - Agu 2021

Intelligence Magnificent of GIS Students Community (IMAGIS)

  • Make a Multivariate Maps about implementation of 1st point in SDGs.
  • Conducting a SHOWCASE of the maps that have been made in the Showcase Webinar event by the IMAGIS community.


These are webgis that I made, Click to Explore!

Explore Buskita WebGIS
1 / 5
2 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5

Buskita Home
Buskita Map
Buskita About
Buskita Contact
Buskita Login


Here are products that i have made

  • College Project
  • Professional Experience

College Project 1

Tsunami Danger in Pangandaran

College Project 2

Elevation in Tidore Island

College Project 3

Population Density in Bandung City

College Project 4

Dot Density Population in Bandung City

College Project 5

Fertility in Malang

College Project 6

Morbidity in Malang

College Project 7

Land Value in Bojongsoang

College Project 8

Minimarket Location Suitability in Depok

College Project 9

Drought Resistance in Bogor

College Project 10

Land Surface Temperature in West Java

College Project 11


College Project 12

Precipitation Map in Tasikmalaya

College Project 13

Rice Field in West Java

College Project 14

Health Facility in West Java

College Project 15

Total Population in West Java

College Project 16

Health Officer in West Java

College Project 17

Population Density in West Java

College Project 18

Critical Land in West Java

College Project 19

Landform in Babakanmadang

College Project 20

Geological in Babakanmadang

College Project 21

Groundwater Potential in Babakanmadang

College Project 22

Criminality Type in Bandung City

College Project 23

Criminality Resistance in Bandung City

College Project 24

Total Criminality in Bandung City

College Project 25

Land Surface Temperature in Manggarai

College Project 26

Vegetation Health Change in Cisarua

College Project 27

City structure of Pontianak

College Project 28

Coffee Land Suitability in Cisarua

College Project 29

Ortophoto in UPI

College Project 30

Detail Situation in UPI

College Project 31

Mangrove Change Detection in Sinjai

College Project 32

Land Use in Bandung City

Professional Experience 1

Intern as RDTR Drafter

Professional Experience 2

GIS Basic Training Tutor for Educational Administration Students GIS Community

Professional Experience 3

GIS Instructor SKKNI Level 4 Training for SaIG Expo

Professional Experience 4

Tasikmalaya No Poverty Project

Professional Experience 5

Web Development Training using HTML and CSS at Bootcamp Coding

Professional Experience 6

Making Buskita WebGIS at Bogor City

Professional Experience 7


Further information about my portofolio, Click image below!
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